NEC CSE 3-1 R20 Compiler Design Syllabus and Materials PDF


Overview of Language Processing: Pre-processor, compiler, assembler, interpreter, linker & loader and phases of a compiler.

Lexical Analysis: Role of the lexical analysis, lexical analysis vs. parsing, token, patterns and lexemes, lexical errors. Regular expressions: Regular definitions for the language constructs, strings, sequences, transition diagram for recognition of tokens, reserved words and identifiers with examples

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Syntax Analysis: Discussion on CFG, LMD, RMD, ambiguity, parse tree, role of the parser, Classification of Parsing Techniques: Brute Force approach, left recursion, left factoring. Top-down parsing: FIRST and FOLLOW, LL (1) grammars, non-recursive predictive parsing and error recovery in predictive parsing.

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Types of Bottom-Up Approaches: Introduction to bottom-up parser, Why LR Parsers?, model of an LR parsers, operator precedence parser, shift- reduce parser, difference between LR and LL Parsers, Construction of SLR Table. More Powerful LR parsers: Construction of CLR (1), LALR parsing table, dangling ELSE ambiguity, and error recovery in LR parsing and comparison of all bottom-up approaches with all top-down approaches

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Semantic analysis: SDT schemes, evaluation of semantic rules, intermediate codes, three address codes - quadruples, triples, abstract syntax trees, types and declarations, type checking.

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Symbol Table: Use and need of symbol tables, runtime environment storage organization, stack allocation, access to non-local data, heap management.

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Code Generation: Issues, target machine, basic blocks and flow graphs, simple code generator, peep-hole optimization

Machine Independent Code Optimization: Semantic preserving transformations, global common sub expression elimination, copy propagation, dead code elimination, constant folding, strength reduction, loop optimization, instruction scheduling and inter procedural optimization.

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