NEC CSE 3-1 Operating Systems Video Tutorial for Important Topics by preparing these topics, you can get good marks in your exams. All the topics links are provided for better undertaking. Take brief notes, practice problems if any.
UNIT-I (Computer System and Operating System Overview)
1. Overview of Operating System - What operating systems do, User view, System view
2. Operating Systems functions
3. Types of OS
4. Structures of Operating System
5. System Calls
6. Operating systems generation
UNIT-II (Process Management)
1. Process Sate Diagram OR Link for 2nd Video
2. PCB (Process Control Block)
3. Scheduling Queues, Schedulers
4. Operations- Process Creation, Process termination OR Link for 2nd Video
5. Inter process communication- Shared-Memory Systems
6. Multi Thread programming models- Many to one, One to one, Many to Many model
7. Process Scheduling - Scheduling Criteria
8. Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Scheduling
UNIT-III (Concurrency)
2. The Critical-Section Problem-Peterson’s Solution
4. Semaphores- Usage, Implementation
5.1. Problems on Deadlock and Starvation
6. Classic Problems of Synchronization
6.3. Dining-Philosophers problem
8. Dining-Philosophers solution using monitors.
UNIT-III(Memory Management)
2. Non-contiguous Memory Management technique
3. Partitions Algorithms - First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit
4. Paging- Basic Method, Hardware Method, Protection, shared pages
5. Multilevel Paging OR Hierarchical Paging
6. Structure of the Page table- Hashed Page Tables and Inverted Page Table
UNIT-IV (Virtual Memory Management)
1. Virtual Memory. Demand Paging
2. Page-Replacement Algorithms
2.3. LRU page replacement
3. Thrashing- Cause of Thrashing
UNIT-IV (Principles of Deadlock)
1. Necessary Conditions of Deadlock
2. Deadlock Prevention- Mutual exclusion, Hold and wait, No preemption, Circular wait
3. Deadlock Detection and Avoidance- Resource allocation Graph algorithm
UNIT - V (File System and Implementation)
4. file types
7. File Sharing
10. Disk Scheduling-
10.1.FCFS scheduling
10.2. SSTF scheduling
10.3. SCAN scheduling
10.4. C-SCAN scheduling
10.5. LOOK scheduling