NEC CSE 3-2 BDA Material Download



Starting Hadoop: -Google File System, -The building blocks of Hadoop: Namenode, Datanode, Secondary Namenode, JobTracker, TaskTracker. -Setting up SSH for a Hadoop cluster: Define a common account, Verify SSH installation, Generate SSH key pair, Distribute public key and validate logins. - Running Hadoop: Local (standalone) mode, Pseudo-distributed mode, Fully distributed mode.

Download UNIT-I Material Here 


MapReduce: -A Weather Dataset: Data Format, -Analyzing the Data with Hadoop: Map and Reduce, Java MapReduce: A test run, The old and the new Java MapReduce APIs.

Basic programs of Hadoop MapReduce: Driver code, Mapper code, Reducer code, RecordReader, Combiner, Partitioner.

Download UNIT-II Material Here 


Programming with RDDs: What Is Apache Spark, RDD Basics, Creating RDDs, RDD Operations, Passing Functions to Spark, Common Transformations and Actions, Persistence (Caching).

Download UNIT-III Material Here Part-I 

Download UNIT-III Material Here Part-I 


Pig: Hadoop Programming Made Easier: -Admiring the Pig Architecture, -Going with the Pig Latin Application Flow, -Working through the ABCs of Pig Latin: Uncovering Pig Latin structures, Looking at Pig data types and syntax. -Evaluating Local and Distributed Modes of Running Pig Scripts, -Checking out the Pig Script Interfaces, -Scripting with Pig Latin

Download UNIT-IV Material Here 


Applying Structure to Hadoop Data with Hive: -Saying Hello to Hive, -Seeing How the Hive is Put Together, -Getting Started with Apache Hive, -Examining the Hive Clients: The Hive CLI client, The web browser as Hive client, SQuirreL as Hive client with the JDBC Driver. -Working with Hive Data Types, -Creating and Managing Databases and Tables: Managing Hive databases, Creating and managing tables with Hive. -Seeing How the Hive Data Manipulation Language Works: LOAD DATA examples, INSERT examples, Create Table As Select (CTAS) examples. Querying and Analyzing Data: Joining tables with Hive, Improving your Hive queries with indexes, Windowing in HiveQL, Other key HiveQL features.

Download UNIT-V Material Here 


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