NEC CSE 3-1 R20 DAA and CD Lab Program Answers


The course should enable the students to:

  •  Learn how to analyze a problem and design the solution for the problem.
  • Identify and apply the suitable algorithm for the given real world problem.


After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO 1: Develop programs for searching a given set of element and analyze its time complexity.

CO 2: Implement and analyze the complexity using dynamic algorithms.

CO 3: Solve and analyze the tree traversal techniques.

CO 4: Demonstrate and Develop Lexical Analyzer for a given language.[K3]

CO 5: Develop various bottom up parsers for a given language.[K3]


DAA Programs 

1. Write a program to perform Binary Search.

2. Write a program to find Optimal solution for a Knap Sack Problem using Greedy Method.

3. Write a program to find Adjacency matrix for a given graph.

4. Write a program to implement Depth First Search.

5. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search.

6. Write a program to find minimum cost of spanning tree using Prims Algorithm.

7. Write a program to implement Dijkstras algorithm

8. Write a program to perform All pairs shortest path problem

9. Write a program to perform Matrix Chain Multiplication

10. Write a program to solve Eight Queens problem using Back Tracking Technique.

CD Programs

11. Write a Program to Tokenizing a file using C

12. Write a program to Design a lexical analyzer for given language which should ignore redundant spaces, tabs, new lines and comments.

13.Write a program to build lexical analyzer. Using Lex tool

14. Develop functions to find FIRST and FOLLOW of all the variables.

15. Develop an operator precedence parser for a given language.

16. Write a program to Build shift reduce parsing algorithm.

17. Write a program to design an LALR bottom up parser for the given language

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