NEC B.Tech 2-2(R20) CSE Data Base Management Systems Important Questions: Narasaraopeta Engineering College CSE DBMS Important Questions

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1. What is database? Write about history of data base systems.

2.  Write the pros and cons of data base systems.

3. Write some applications where data base is needed and not needed.

4. With a neat diagram, discuss the three tier schema architecture for data independence.

5.  Distinguish between File System from DBMS.

6. Mention various groups of database users. Explain  about their roles in detail.

7.  Explain the client -server architecture of a DBMS.


1. Construct an ER Diagram for a car insurance company whose customers own one or more cards each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. State any assumptions you make.

2. Explain various operations in relational algebra with an example.

3. Define constraint? List and explain different constraints with an example?

4. Construct an ER Diagram for a Hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient a log of the various test and examinations conducted.

5. What is ER Model? Explain its concepts. 

6. How to ensure conceptual design with ER Model? Suggest or provide a suitable example for this.

7. With an example diagram, explain how to convert an ER model having Weak Entity set and Associativity entity set into Relation model. 

8. Write a short note view and their uses in DBMS

Important: NEC B.Tech CSE 3-1(R20) Important Questions Check Here


Chapter-I (Relational Algebra)

1. Characteristics of Relational Model
2. Relational set operators
3. Types of relational algebra operations

Chapter-II (SQL: Queries, Constraints, and Triggers)

1. What are triggers in DBMS? How triggers are used to enforce complex integrity constraints in DBMS?

2. Explain the necessity of NULL values in SQL with an example and also explain how these NULL values are treated by aggregate functions?

3. Illustrate the complex integrity constraints in SQL.

4. Describe the importance of nested queries. Give its application in performing various aggregation operations.

5. Explain the basic structure of SQL query and write the queries to illustrate union and intersect operations.

6. How to specify the conditions in SQL? Explain various operators used in it.

7. Explain nested queries and correlated queries with examples.

Important: NEC B.Tech Previous Year Question Papers Click Here  

UNIT-IV (Schema Refinement and Normal Forms)

1. Explain the two properties of schema decomposition with suitable examples

2. What is dependency preservation property for decomposition? Explain why it is important?

3. Discuss the problem of spurious tuples in database.

4. What are the advantages of normalized relations over the un-normalized relations?

5. Explain the concepts of Functional dependency with suitable example and its operations like closure and minimal cover.

6. What do you mean by sound and completeness of inference rules?

7. What are the problems caused by redundantly storing information? Explain

8. Given a Relation R=(A,B,C) and Functional Dependencies are F={ {A,B}→{C}, {C}→{A} }. Determine all Candidate keys of R and the highest normal form of R with proper explanation.

9. State and explain BCNF with an example.

10. State and explain Third normal form with an example.

11. Given a Relation R= (A,B,C,D,E) and Functional Dependencies are: F={ {BC→D, AC→BE, B→E}

Determine all Candidate keys of R and the highest normal form of R with proper explanation.

12. Consider the relation R (A,B,C,D,E,F) and FDs A → BC, F → A, C → A, D → E, E → D. A→D is the decomposition of R into R1 (A,C,D), R2(B,C,D) and R3(E,F,D) lossless? Explain the requirement of Lossless decomposition.

13. Consider the relation R with 5 attributes ABCDE with dependencies A→B, BC→E and ED→A then;

i) List all Keys for R ii) Is R in 3NF? iii) Is R in BCNF?

UNIT-V (Transaction Management) 

1. What is Concurrency control? Explain the two phase locking protocol with an example.
2. Explain conflict serializability and view serializability
3. Explain the B+ tree indexes on multiple keys with a suitable examples.
4. Explain about transaction states and additional operations with neat diagram 
5. Explain ACID Properties.
6. Explain the index structure of ISAM.
7. Explain different types of index data structures.
8.What is Concurrency control? Write about different Concurrency control protocols.
9.How records are represented and organized in a file? Explain with suitable example
10.Construct a B+Tree for the following list of elements: 1, 4, 7, 10, 17, 21, 31, 25, 19, 20, 28, 42.

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